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Obesity and its risks

 Obesity and its risks

Definition of Obesity

Firstly, here it is necessary to distinguish between obesity and overweight. Obesity means an increase in the storage of fat in the body, while overweight means an increase in body weight above the normal and ideal range of weight compared to the patient’s height. Some sources believe that an increase of 3% over the ideal weight increases the rate of disease and death by a very large percentage... Another risk of being overweight is that the possibility of breast cancer increases to three times the normal rate, and the chances of developing uterine cancer, colon cancer, and gallstone diseases also increase. , hiatal hernia, chronic back pain, deterioration of the knee joints, fungal skin infections and other psychological and social problems. In addition to increasing the proportion of fat, high consumption of starches and sugars leads to other harmful symptoms such as a feeling of bloating, gas formation, and an urgent desire to eat sweets, as well as a feeling of extreme fatigue and depression. A person may also develop what is known as an allergy to wheat and yeast.

The dangers of excess grease and fat

The dangers of excess grease and fat to human health are many, more than we imagine, and perhaps dangerous diabetes is the most dangerous consequence of being overweight, and the more weight exceeds its limit, the greater the risk of diabetes and what results from it, such as heart clots. Kidney disease, neuropathy, impotence, sexual weakness, and blindness... Weight gain also results in high blood pressure and the subsequent heart and brain clots that force a person to become a victim in the chair of the disabled and the infirm. A recent scientific study has shown that there is a strong relationship between waist measurement and heart disease. The study explained that waist circumference should be less than 100 centimeters before the age of forty and less than 90 centimeters after the age of forty. Aside from the dangers, obesity problems do not all represent dangers that threaten obese people, but they have minor complications that do not threaten the patient’s life or pose a danger to him, but they cause him unhappiness and the inability to start a wonderful life in life like others. For example: constant headaches, back pain, varicose veins, rickets. , indigestion, difficulty breathing, snoring, inability to defend oneself, lack of competence when having sex in both men and women... and last but not least, living with a constant feeling that there is a problem with one’s appearance and clothing.
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